I just don't understand it. E never did anything to anyone, but he is miserable. Almost every minute he has spent on this earth seems to have been miserable for him. I feel so bad. I wish I could take some of his suffering away. It's just awful to watch him wimper and cry all the time. You get so frustrated with doctors because you want them to cure him, or at least take away some of his misery, but the truth is they can't do any more than we can. They don't know whats wrong, they have no cure. They don't even know how to treat the symptoms anymore. What can we do but love him and try to comfort him when we can. Everything else seems unimportant when you hear those screams. I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to work, I don't want to goto school. I feel miserable for him. I know that won't help the situation any so I goto work and I goto school, but it feels like going through the motions of the day with no emotion involved. Well I'll send up a silent prayer that things will be better for him soon. I hope all is well.