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Church of Christ ADOPTION


Churches of Christ are Christian denominations who share a common belief in basic Christian practices, rites, and traditions. Most Churches of Christ can be traced back to the American Restoration Movement in the early 1800s. Members of the Church of Christ are roughly estimated to be around 2 million adherents worldwide.

There are many congregations around the world who take on the name “Church of Christ” (or similar names), some for scriptural reasons, and most because they want to take on an non-denominational approach. Due to their non-denominational approach, some of these christian denominations tend to double as schools and charities.   


Adherents to Churches of Christ share a common belief that any church raised up in God’s name will be added to his fold if they: hear his gospel, have faith in Jesus Christ and confess him to be the Son of God, repent of their sins, be baptized, and live according to God’s will and apply his teachings.

Adoption Background

There is no official service or organization for adoption or foster care for all Churches of Christ; however, there are several privately operated adoption agencies found online and around the U.S. and Canada.

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