


Age: 45

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 46

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 45

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Catholic


Age: 46

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Catholic

Work & Education

Education: Masters Degree

Profession: Public Relations


Education: Masters Degree

Profession: Engineer

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 20 to 25 years

Parent Residency: House

Children At Home: Adopted children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: All

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.



Being silly
He likes to help mom brush her hair
Swinging in the park
Andrew loves to swing!


Our Family
Hello Expectant Parent,

We admire your strength, wisdom, and selflessness.

We know the decision to place your child for adoption must have been an excruciating experience. We imagine this may be difficult for you, and we admire your strength, wisdom, and selflessness. We will ensure that your child will be proud of their origins and their adoption story.

We want to spread faith, hope, and love in growing our family. It truly is the building block of society, and we want to not only positively impact our personal family but society as well. We want to ingrain compassion, generosity, patience, kindness, humility, and resilience in our child. We put a high priority on education, and want them to live with gratitude, to work hard, and to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. They will finally determine who they become, how they will live, and what they want out...

We know the decision to place your child for adoption must have been an excruciating experience. We imagine this may be difficult for you, and we admire your strength, wisdom, and selflessness. We will ensure that your child will be proud of their origins and their adoption story.

We want to spread faith, hope, and love in growing our family. It truly is the building block of society, and we want to not only positively impact our personal family but society as well. We want to ingrain compassion, generosity, patience, kindness, humility, and resilience in our child. We put a high priority on education, and want them to live with gratitude, to work hard, and to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. They will finally determine who they become, how they will live, and what they want out of life, but what we want most is our child to be a light to the world.

Lastly, thank you for giving your child a chance at life, that is denied so many. Your decision is truly a blessing. 

Our Story

After dating for several years, we became engaged and moved to Fort Worth to start our careers.

We first met at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge over 20 years ago in 2001. After dating for several years, we became engaged and moved to Fort Worth to start our careers. We bought our first house in 2005 and then our second five years later. We have been there ever since.

We as a couple are fun-loving, health-conscious, hardworking people. We differ somewhat in strengths/weaknesses and interests; however, we have a lot of common traits as well. In many ways, we complement each other and try to honestly assess situations appropriately before making important choices.

Our core desires of working hard, pursuing meaningful relationships, enjoying life, and sharing our love with others significantly drives our decision-making.
Why Adoption

We are extremely delighted with the idea of growing our family and embracing the challenges that lie ahead.

Andrew at School
Our decision to pursue adoption has come after many years of infertility and uncertainty. We are extremely delighted with the idea of growing our family and embracing the challenges that lie ahead. The opportunity to adopt is therefore a blessing to us. We are excited to be growing our family through adoption and cannot wait to meet our future child.

I can promise that we will provide a devoted Christian home, where your child will be challenged and loved unconditionally, and given every opportunity to excel in life, personally, professionally, and spiritually.

Thank You!
First, we want to thank you for choosing to give your child a chance at life. So many in today’s world are not afforded that opportunity, and regardless of who you choose to parent your child, just know that your decision is the right one, and it will ultimately bring you peace.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about us and considering us as your child’s adoptive parents. I can promise that we will provide a devoted Christian home, where your child will be challenged and loved unconditionally, and given every opportunity to excel in life, personally, professionally, and spiritually. Lastly, we promise to always honor you and celebrate your strength, love, and courage.

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Meet Aaron

I grew up in the Bay Area of California and moved around a lot in Texas and Louisiana during high school due to my father’s work in the oil field. I played a lot of sports - football, baseball, and basketball during my high school career and used that as a way to get to establish new relationships and adjust to new surroundings. All in all, I had a great childhood, with stable parents and 3 older (bossy but wonderful) sisters. After high school, I went to LSU where I met my beautiful wife Laura, and got a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. Following graduation, I moved to Texas and began working at a large engineering company, and have been there for 16 years and counting. Laura moved there shortly thereafter, and we were married. We bought our first home in 2005, and then sold it, and moved into our current home in 2009. I am a laid-back person and like to joke around a lot. I try to make other people laugh, and never take life too seriously. I enjoy listening to music, watching sports, reading, exercising, BBQing, and working on projects around the house. I love to take things apart and learn how they work, and fixing things has always been a hobby of mine. Laura and I have a great group of friends, several of whom have very young children. We are Godparents for two of them and love spending time babysitting and taking care of them. I am a Christian and strive to live a moral life, while always witnessing to the ultimate source of goodness, truth, and beauty – God. It is difficult at times, but absolutely worth it. Laura, Andrew and I all have a lot of love to share, and the ability to provide, teach, and be positive examples will be invaluable to our child.

About Laura

I was born in Hawaii but grew up in south Louisiana where people enjoy life to its fullest. As a child, I loved art and music, and my parents got me involved in Camp Fire. My parents divorced when I was in elementary school, and my mother returned to college to become a nurse. Shortly after she graduated, she moved to Seattle and I remained in Louisiana with my father and sister. My father did everything he could to maintain some sort of normalcy, and he decided we’d start playing tennis together. Nearly every day, he and I played, and the court became a place where my heart healed. Despite a broken family, I always felt incredibly loved. I went on to college at LSU and met many great friends, including my husband, Aaron. He made me laugh and his humble and sincere nature, always made me content. Now as an adult, I am so grateful for the life I have been blessed with. My parents are healthy, and we continue to be friends. Aaron and I have a great community of friends, who are an extension of our family. I work in Public Relations for the same company as Aaron. It’s a place where I am proud to work because of the mission and the people. I enjoy reading, exercising, shopping, and still pick up an occasional tennis ball. I’ve always loved being around children, and have a tremendous amount of love to provide.


Every evening we take a family walk through the park near our home. This is a great way to unwind after a long day and catch up with each other. It provides a distraction-free opportunity to discuss important matters and to just get outside and enjoy the scenery. We want to continue this practice as much as possible. Friday evening is considered pizza night at our household. It started randomly a few years back, and we enjoyed it so much it has become a regular occurrence. Who doesn’t like pizza at the start of the weekend? We enjoy going to the zoo on Christmas Eve. We find that it is less crowded and typically the animals are more active possibly due to the smaller crowds. The Fort Worth Zoo is really fun, and we look forward to bringing our child to enjoy seeing all the wildlife. We also enjoy doing community service projects. Working at Ronald McDonald House, Habitat for Humanity, and the Special Olympics gives us a sense of gratitude as we look forward to helping others. We think it will benefit our child immensely as well.

Our Family

Aaron’s family is spread throughout the United States, but still very close to one another. His parents live near Houston, Texas and we are very close. They love all their grandchildren and are great to be around. One sister is married and lives in Virginia and has 2 kids. One sister is in an interracial marriage in Cleveland and has 2 kids, and one sister lives in Allen, Texas with 2 adult children. Laura’s parents both live in South Louisiana and we have a great relationship with them. They are very kind, humble hard-working people. Her sister is married, lives in Atlanta, and has two teenagers. Our families are very important to us and we continually make efforts to see each other, not just during holidays but several times a year and we talk on the phone often. We have many nieces, nephews, and family members around, and they are more than willing to assist in parenting as well as to help give us guidance and assistance. We are also the Godparents to two young children here in Fort Worth. We look forward to watching them grow and plan to always be an integral part in their lives.

Our Adventures and Hobbies

We love to travel and be outdoors. Going to the beach to swim and/or the mountains to go hiking is a favorite for us. We enjoy hanging out with friends a lot and cooking. We enjoy walking in the park and exercising a lot together. We also enjoy watching Netflix shows.

Our Home

Our home is 2 stories, 3000 sq feet, and has an open floor plan. There are lots of trees and a nice deck in the backyard to hang out. We live in the Tanglewood area near TCU and it is very clean, friendly, and centrally located for shopping/restaurants, etc. We are also very close to Saint Andrew's Catholic Church and spend a lot of time involved in those activities. Kids in our neighborhood love to ride bikes, play sports in the park and fly kites on the Trinity River. We are within walking distance of Foster Park, Tanglewood Elementary, and Clearfork/Trinity River trails.

Meet Andrew

Our 2-year-old son is curious, active, and super sweet. He enjoys reading, playing with toy trucks, and riding his balance bike. He goes to preschool and is learning new things every day and likes to play with his classmates. We adopted him when he was two days old, and he has been an absolute joy to nurture and watch grow. We love him to the moon and back! He will really enjoy having another child in the household and make a great sibling.

Fun Facts about Aaron

- Three words my spouse would use to describe me: Sensible, Funny, and Kind - Favorite movie: Oh Brother Where Art Thou - Favorite place to be: The Rocky Mountains - Something silly about me: I like to dance (poorly) - Something serious about me: I like to exercise - Any other interesting favorites: watching sports, BBQing, playing guitar, swimming, reading, Netflix. I also enjoy fixing things around the house and going to church.

Fun Facts about Laura

- Three words my spouse would describe me as: Compassionate, Energetic, and Direct - Favorite movie: Legally Blonde - Favorite place to be: Hawaii - Something silly about me: I love sweets - Something serious about me: I am an early riser - Any other interesting favorites: I like to run and bike. I also like to cook, go shopping, and hang out with friends.

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