helen haston replied on Dee San's thread "What do you say ?".
Sorry to hear that. I would suggest telling your child that you miss them and how you feel. However, don't make it all about you. Talk about things you could maybe do together and what would they like to do. If a child is involved in the decision making process it makes a world of difference. Giving them some control is very important and allows them to express their feelings and thoughts. Good luck and I hope that helps.
helen haston replied on Dee San's thread "What do you say ?".
Sorry to hear that. I would suggest telling your child that you miss them and how you feel. However, don't make it all about you. Talk about things you could maybe do together and what would they like to do. If a child is involved in the decision making process it makes a world of difference. Giving them some control is very important and allows them to express their feelings and thoughts. Good luck and I hope that helps.
helen haston shared...
helen haston replied on thread "Terrible experience with both adoption and fostering - poor support".
My partner and I were approved to adopt in 2017 through a local council. Were weeks away from adopting twins when our SW decided it should not go ahead. She stated that the childrens council were not ...