Lachell Henry
Priscilla Scott

Was the 3rd girls name LaChell? Your story sounds very familiar.
Priscilla Scott replied on crc's thread "Hillcrest Receiving Home".
Hi,I stayed there in the mid 1980's. I met a beautiful girl named Verna R***. We, along with a 3rd girl (can't remember her name) ran away and went on a wild adventure. Unfortunately, on that adventure I got my first taste of hard drugs, which heavily impacted my later years. On our escape we switched clothes (to confuse police... ahhh, the minds of youth, lol). I ended up with Vernas "favorite" black and white cheetah print sweater, which I promised I'd return. Later on, we all got separated and I never saw her again. I searched for her, and kept her sweater into my late 30's, finally letting it go. Now in my early 50's, to stumble across this forum now is just so unexpected. Drug free over two decades, life has been hard, but God has been so Good! Verna, if you stumble across this as well, Thank you for being so kind to me, at a time that I didn't know what kindness was. I'm sorry I eventually gave up your sweater, but if I ever see you I'll buy you another. Even though our time was very short lived, I will never forget how you, as a complete stranger, cared for me when I literally had nothing or no-one. To all you other fellow "inmates", Thank you for the stories. I hope all of you found your ways through the darknesses that led you there. If you are still struggling please know you are in more hearts and prayers then you may be aware of. Keep truckin, you can get through it. Hearts and Smiles,Priscilla