We have been foster parents only 8 months and my question is our 20 month old foster son is going into permenacy and we are the resource for adoption so what happens next? I was told that if a family member steps up that they will look into them. Well there is only one that hasnt stepped up yet. So say there isnt a family member, what happens next? How long does it take? What is the process? Can parents decide to straighten up now? Does our foster son still recieve money and state insurance? It doesn't seem like he would, which is totally fine. Please help! We don't want to get our hopes up yet.
have the parents rights been terminated? how long has your foster son been in your care? in my state (mo) once the adoption is final, daycare is still covered until the child is 13, you still get a monthly stipend (a little less than foster care payment) and the child still qualifies for medicaid.
in my situation, i had my son for 16 months when the bmom voluntarily terminated her rights, now 5 months later we are just going to court to have the bfather's rights terminated. it tpr happens he has 30 days to contest the decision.
in most states a child must be in foster care 15 months out of 18 months before tpr happens. what is the sw telling you?
pm me if you want to know more. good luck
He has been in care 7 months. BM has not done anything she was suposed to, she is wanted by police for a few things latest is she beat up her own mom for pain meds and money. BD was doing great until he moved BM back in. Court says they cannot be together to have son back. BD has had no contact with me or CW in over 2 weeks. All visits have been canceled. He was having home visits and he would call and cancel them. BM & BD famlies are all on drugs or are unstable except for 1 family member that doesnt show up for any FM or court.
So why does the state still continue income when we adopt?
It depends on the state. Where we are a foster child older than 3 or any minorty child is consiered 'special needs' and qualifies for the subsidy. In our case the amount actually went up after adoption. I told the worker we would adopt regardless. She told me it was silly not to take the $. So now he has more in his saving account than we do. We are hoping to use the $ to pay for medical school one day. ;)
He also qualifies for state insurance, but no pre school.