Hi opnwyd:
Thank you for your question. It is a good one. Each of the various states in the United States have a forum for adoptive parents to communicate with each other. The forum for Indiana is located at:
Please feel free to ask information about traveling and any tips about what to bring. Technically if you wish to know about recommendations of a hotel or motel to stay at please private message someone from that forum that you think could help you. The rules on AdoptionForums would not be if favor of posting a hotel name and phone number, etc. (Sorry about that :) )
Best of luck to you. Hope your time is a blessing.
Warm regards,
I am a Single Parent, My Agency has resources to Adoption Homestays. You stay with a Family who either has Adopted, or has some Connected ties to the Placement Agency.It was a totally incredibly Awesome experience!It was nice coming back to a homecooked meal with conversation and alot of the conversation Centered around Adoption . Rather than go out alone to a fast food dinner.With travelling, my Daughter wanted to be held or carried. Travel light. This was important to her, but difficult to do with a carryon!
Last update on May 30, 12:50 pm by Miriam Gwilliam.