Hi all!
My husband and I will be receiving our first child inventory (I hate that phrase) today and were wondering what advise you might have about questions to ask the social worker or red flags to look for.
I've got a list of things from the books we've read, but would like some advice from people who have been there.
Any help is appreciated. :)
what is the state that you are in and what are the cirumstances that lead to the child being eligible for state adoption?
I am sure that the sw..should give you a run down of the family history.
Child Inventory is an evaluation of behaviors.
If the child has been Abused. What are the Abuses that you are willing to work with or not accept at all?
Another consideration, is the Abuse something that can be balanced not only just at Home, but either a school or Day Care setting?
In our state, Ohio, a child inventory can vary from county to county as far as how detailed. But its basically an overview of the history of the child. Know problems, past abuses and behaviors, parental information if available, etc.
I hadn't even thought if they would be able to tell me if the child has been exposed to AIDS. Definitely something I would want to know. Thanks!