Searching for birthmom.
I am a male, born 10/9/1965 at Touro Hospital, New Orleans. It was a VOA adoption.
Mom was from Arkansas and was 17 at the time.
Dear Soulsearching,
Oh how I know that feeling, I have many searches going on, but one that is a little funny to me is a male sibling born to my mother in approximately 1964/65. The Dr's told my mother that the baby passed away, but I cant find a birth or death record for him and my mother would have been 29 years old but my other brother said this chil'd birthday would have been in October the 3rd, or 7th, so who knows , if you wish to research it with me further, feel free to contact me and my name is Kyla
Originally posted by ladyroux
Dear Soulsearching,
Oh how I know that feeling ... if you wish to research it with me further, feel free to contact me ...