Hello, just to introduce myself...I am a birthmother and also a natural mom and just recently adoptive mom...(wow that was a mouthful!) I am just two weeks away from having our new daughter sealed to us and I am a nervous wreck!!! I am often questioning wether this was a good thing to do in adopting...I have many mixed feelings about the whole adoption issue. I wanted to know if this was just the natural jitters and if anyone else felt like this. My little girl is almost three and has some emotional issues and I sometimes feel inadequate. She often clings to other women in my presence...although I am sure she is bonded to me...besides being extremely jealous, I also feel like a failure. She is especially clingy to her grandmother (my MIL) and will totally ignore me when her grandmother is present. Her grandmother is going to be present at the sealing and I am worried she will just want to be held by her...I know this sounds terribly selfish but I want this to be a special day for me!!! Can anyone give me some advice???
P.S. I think it's great there is a place for LDS to voice their issues.
It's so hard when you are struggling with those issues and trying to stay excited about the sealing...we adopted our son at 18 months and had our sealing just as he was coming out of the honeymoon period into some really hard attachment problems, I was scared too. Once we were there though...the spirit was so strong and the Sealer was wonderful that all my fears were gone.
It was a wonderful experience...that event has helped so much in his healing process too.
If she does choose to cling to your mother-inlaw, it will be ok, have her be the one to bring your beautiful daughter to the alter, Just trust in Heavenly Father and the plan and it will be great.