I just wanted to know if there is anyone on this website that was adopted themselves. I am 17 years old and have known all my life that I was adopted...but no one can give me any details about my birth parents, or the adoption itself. Is there anyone out there that is also too young to search for their birthparents, or look in there personal record...but you really want to? If so, please let me know I am not the only one.
You may want to reword your question on the subject line and you will probably get more responses. I know there are other adoptees on this site that would be glad to talk to you, they may not look at your thread because it doesn't state specifically what you are looking for. Maybe you could use something like "Anyone else 17 yo adoptee ISO bparents?"
It was just a thought, but you might consider it if you don't get many responses.
I hope you find a friend!:)