We are in the adoption process and the kids we are adopting are from another state. My husband recently encountered some legal problems and now the adoption is put on hold until its straightened out. I guess i just need some moral support because this is just breaking my heart-any suggestions? thanks, Debbie
Dear esmiralda11;
The wait alone can be very emotional and difficult. Now a complexity! Not fair!! I feel for you. I would truly think that if your agency had gone through the full screening and matching process for you and your dh to be the parents with these exact kids everything will be fine.
Moral support is sure needed at a time like this. From most of the adoption professionals I have talked with it sounds like a great deal of work to find a right match. Because you have already been determined as the "right match" once the specifics are cleared everything should be back on track. The important part, from what I understand it is important to be totally up front and honest about the occurrence. Perhaps even mentioning a remedy if applicable. Some of the adoption professionals and social workers I have talked with over the years have told me that when a couple is not honest it sends up "red flags" to them and they begin to wonder what else the couple has not told them. They do respect honesty and do know that people are not perfect. Thanks goodness or no one would ever adopt!!!!
Sit tight. I do hope you have something that can be of help to you during this time. Perhaps spending time doing something you usually do not have a chance to do would be good.
You are welcome to ask for support on the Waiting to Adopt forum also at: [url][/url]
You are cared for and I really think all will be fine.
Big hugs and prayers to you,