I was 14 and pregnant, and had no idea on what I was going to do. All I know is that I wanted my baby girl. I told noone i was pregnant till I was 7 months, Then my parents flipped out saying that i was ruining my life. I tried everything I could to keep her, but everyone turned me away...I couldn't get assistance from anyone or anywhere. My father had it all planned and that was adoption. for along time I dispised him for making me give the one person that i felt would ever really love me away. But today i feel that he was only trying to do what was best for me. Then i think of all the things i went through in the years that came after that, wow i would of never of been a good mother if i had to take her with me through all the mistakes and lessons i went threw. still to this day i have never forgotten her and sometimes i even cry for her. at this time i have 2 other children and one on the way, but they have never filled that empty space that i still have within me. i would like to meet my little girl, and if anyone could just please help me.
I think she was named Crystal Michelle, she was born Aug 5, 1985 in California. I think that the hospital was Kaiser or North hills medical center. It was in the Los Angelos Area. She was adopted to a family in Orgeon. And that is all i have to go on
I'm wondering if I'm who you are looking for. Born 1985 as crystal changed to Latina Nichelle Ramsey. Please contact me 2405059915