Dr Michael Gurian has written a book entitled 'Boys and Girls Learn Differently'. He has some strategies which have been successful in classrooms.
Preschool and Kindergarten
Encourage girls to assert themselves around dominant boys.
Direct boys to help other children and clean the classroom
Facilitate working groups in which girls take a leadership role.
Encourage boys to understand their feelings.
Elementary School
Match math and science learning to journal keeping, allowing girls to use writing strengths to process math and scientific data.
Offer story telling and myth making to help boys develop their imaginative and verbal skills.
High School
Encourage girls to compete in learning, and provide group learning frameworks.
Allow movement in the classroom and make sure boys participate in conflict resolution and communication training.
Do you agree with Dr Gurian? Do boys and girls learn differently?
Should boys and girls be treated differently in the classroom?
Having said that I should add that I have a house full of very smart, extremely (almost to the point of anal) motivated girls. ( So I know nothing about boys except that they want to date my daughters) But unlike some of the stereotypes, dd#1 excells across the board but is very strong in math and science and has no tolerance for kids not as focused as she is, dd #2 is a strong student in all areas and also a gifted musician and athlete, dd #3 is a strong student and shows signs of being a budding artist and she is a social is really just a place for her to meet her friends.
It would be a much easier job if they were all the same.
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