Hi! I hope someone may have some insight or experience in what we are currently going through. We are seeking FAST shortcuts....
My husband and I are certified foster parents and we were recently choosen for a private adoption. We have all our paperwork (of course we are foster parents). However, in the state of Maryland you never have to redo your FBI and State Background checks (something about the agency being automatically notified).
However, since our adoption needs ICPC we need new checks. We were scheduled to pick up our baby girl this week... and they JUST noticed our clearances expired the last day of Sept. 2003 They are saying we need updated clearances every 2 yrs.
So, is there ANYWAY to speed the process? We plan to go to Pikesville (to the central processing) and BEG on Monday morning..... We are at a loss. Our last set of prints took 3 months to come back?!?!?!?! :(
Any thoughts or help would be MUCH appreciated!