My name is Christopher Anthony Banco. I was born November 9, 1981 to Joseph and Joanne Banco. Before my birth parents were married, my mother's name was Joanne Linder. I was born at the Offutt Air Force base in Nebraska.
My father divorced my mother when I was about 1 year old. I have no recollection of her, but I am trying to find her. My father gave me up to his parents to adopt me when I was 9 years old. I have no contact with him or his family and only wish to speak to him if he can provide information that will help me locate my birth mother, Joanne Elizabeth Linder (probably her maiden name).
So many adoptees seek out their birth parents all the time, and a number of them successfully find them. I am not religious in any fashion, but I will actually pray for this.
Christopher Banco
cbanco @
Born 11/09/1981
I am about the lose the e-mail address I originally posted. If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of my biological mother, Joanne Linder, please contact me at trubanco @
Thank you.
I found my mother thanks to I feel like the luckiest man in the world. I'll be flying out from Ohio to California to see her soon after my birthday!