hi I'm new to this - we are considering adoption and we have an almost 6 year old boy of our own. One of our many questions is what age child we should adopt. We are considering adopting an older child but are concerned about the effect this will have on our child - does anyone have any experience or thoughts on this? Would it be better to adopt a younger child to make sure he is and will always be the oldest?
I would not take the chance of adopting a child older then your six year old. It will put him at a disadvantage physically and mentally. Especially if the child turned out to be aggressive or jealous of your son. You would have no way of knowing in advance.
You do not want to subject your son to the kind of abuse that an older child may have suffered and bring to your home through no fault of there own.
Just my opinion, playing policeman 24/7 is a hard job.:eek:
Hi! I am from Maryland also. I have two sons ages 12 and 15 and just had a 6 yo girl placed with us for adoption. In our case, disturbing the birth order would have greatly disrupted things. The boys were adamant that the new child be the youngest. I'm a believer in keeping the existing structure. I know other families have adopted a child older than the current ones and had it work, but in our case, it would not have worked.