Birthmother in search of son born 8-3-83 at Riverton Hospital Seattle, Washington. Your given name was Nicholas Ray...your name now maybe David. You were adopted in 1985 at the age of two. The adoption may have been finalized around Thanksgiving of 1985. Your adoptive parents names maybe Barbara and David. Your adoptive father, David may work in construction. As of this posting you would be 20 y/o now.
Searching for my daughter born 6-18-85 at Riverton Hospital in Seattle, Washington. Your adoption records might say that you were born at Valley General in Kent. I named you Amber Dawn but your name now may be Amber Faith or Faith. Your adoption may have been finalized in July 1985.
If any of this sounds familiar please contact me. I have been searching for both of you and would love to meet you both. I have never forgotten either of you and love you both very much.
Searching for my daughter born 6-18-85 at Riverton Hospital in Seattle, Washington. Your adoption records might say that you were born at Valley General in Kent. I named you Amber Dawn but your name now may be Amber Faith or Faith. Your adoption may have been finalized in July 1985.
You should send for your non-identifying information. You can get this info from the following places:
1. County where the adoption was finalized (usually same county where adoptive parents lived).
2. Adoption agency, if one was involved.
3. DSHS, if they were involved.
In WA, non-id should include birth mom's first name, age/bdate, physical description, education, etc.
Also, there's a free Yahoo group that helps with searches in WA, OR, ID, and the northwest. Go to Yahoo Groups and search for "Washington adoption triad" and you should find it. If not, email me and I'll point you in the right direction!
Good luck!