Hi there, I am looking for siblings in Wisconsin. Mothers name is Bonita Schmidt, and fathers name is William Schmidt. Common name, they were not married.
Misty Jean born in 1979
Bobbie Jean born in 1983
William the third born in 1984
Taken by social services, in 86 or so. Misty found and her adoptive father refuses us contact because of the mother.
Also more siblings related to me by the father. Rebecca? Born in 74 or 75, to Michelle? It seems mother and father probs, divorced in 77, he then married my mother. I was born in 75, and paternity established through the divorce between my natural mother (deceased) and William Schmidt.
He denies paternity when asked, and has my birth name tattod on his arm. He is married and living with his father, and his third wife Theresa.
please contact me
one way that you could go about this, is to go to the vital records place, and look up one of their birth certificates. You have to do this by birthdate. Even if you know the approximate date, you can look them up, and on the birth cert. it will say if there were any other children alive at the time.
I have their exact dobs for the three children I listed, but I don't know who is first wife was, that is why I can't find a name of any children they had. We think maybe a rebecca was his first with his first wife. I was the second maybe third. I however was born of a different woman, than his first wife.
Sounds complicated huh?
thanks for responding!