i am looking for a female born in march of 1969-1971. She was given up at a catholic home in philadelphia. Her birth mother's name is daly,birth father's name is logan. She may have been given the name Melissa and her exact date might be march 19. I am her sister. If she's not interested in hooking up that's fine I just want to know if she even exists, i know that sounds strange but isn't life? best of luck to all those searching....
Hi to you! Idon't know if they transport infants. I can tell you what i know. My birth mother's name is Maureen Daly,and the baby girl's birth father name is John Logan. We do not share the same father. It may sound strange but my birth mother claims she told the nuns at the home she prefer the baby be brought up Jewish,if that's possible in a catholic home.I may be able to find out more.