Looking for my Birth Mom or family: **'s maiden name might be MURPHY. Supposedly hers was a "fishing family" and she was supposed to be "a 19yo high school cheerleader", I was born in Garfield Memorial Hospial in Washington D.C. Jan 9, 1958 by a doctor and his wife at 3 days old. Adoption handled by Child and Family Services in DC, adoption finalized in Silver Springs, Montgomery Co., MD (we lived in Bethesda at the time). Moved to LI, NY, then Woodbridge, CT where I grew up. Thinking **'s name was Murphy because the nurses gave my A-parents a layette from the birh family in a box across the top of which was written the name "Murphy", as if to say to themselves, 'this goes with the Murphy baby', I would imagine. (same thing happend to my brother a year later in NY state: The box said the name "Gracey"). ** might have been from DC or MD but could have come from another state (like RI?). Would love contact. Cheryl Higgins,