After a wonderful relationship was created with our birthmother when she chose us in November 2003, we were informed last week that she had decided to change her mind about placing her baby with us. That was such horrible news to hear, but my husband and I are fighting through this terrible time and are doing okay. This is our second failed adoption in a year and we really truly thought it was going to work. We know the Lord has his own plans for us and that our child/children are waiting to come to our family some day.
We had an adoption fall through last year. It was the worst thing in the world! I continue to feel that it should have happened, and that the birthmom made a terrible decision. The baby's father left before he was even born, and now the baby is being raised in poverty (without a dad). The birhtmother's mom threatened to kick the birthmom out if she placed, and she was only 17! I learned a hard lesson--even if God blesses you--He can't take away someone's agency! But Heavenly Father did have another plan for us and we were chosen two months after the adoption fell through. We held our breath until the baby was in our arms!! We are now raising a toddler. Never give up. There are many spirits waiting to come down to you, they just have to get to you the long way. Once you are parents, the pain of childlessness dwindles to nothing!
By the way, I know tons of people who have had multiple adoptions fall through at LDSFS> don't feel alone! It happens to the best of us!