Hi folks, new here! We are LDS, have three bio sons, and are in the process of adopting a sweet special needs girl from India. We are very excited and can't wait to have a girl! :-)
I'm new to this too. My husband and I are LDS, have been married since July 1, 2000 and have been wanting children forever! We have no money to adopt, and even considered LDS Social services, but even then it's still expensive, and we don't qualify because we don't have health insurance. My husband's college won't cover dependants, and we can't afford private.
We just started foster/adoptive parent training that will last 10 weeks. We are hoping to adopt one of the children we will potentially be caring for. I'm kind of hoping it will be the firt one. Its free to adopt through foster care. I'd love to hear your thoughts. By the way, We live in Vermont and attend the Rutland branch.
I look forward to knowing more about your adventures in adoption!
I originally wanted to do foster care but we got pregnant with our second child and put it on the back burner. Now with three kids and one on the way I'm not sure if we'd qualify, but DH has mentioned that he is interested in fostering but not foster/adopting. I don't know if I'm prepared to handle that though. We decided to go the International route because we wanted to be able to select the child, and to be guaranteed a child. We also really wanted a daughter. India just felt like the right way to go! Finances were an issue as we had ZIP when we started, but raffles and garage sales financed our homestudy/agency application fees/ and USCIS fees. From there we ended up getting a home equity loan for the rest. All I know is, if the Lord wants you to do it you will find a way! Good luck with your foster/adopting! I hope everything goes well for you!