I am new to this, so have no idea what I am doing. I am in search of my birth mother, and/or extended family. I was born in Opportunity, WA, baby boy, 5/3/49. I have additional information that gives me suspect to wonder if I was born in Opportunity, MT instead. Any information from anyone looking for someone like me, would be great. " I don't know why it says Ohio by my name, it should say Washington. Not sure how to change it?"
Hi, I am looking for an Uncle that was born around the same time you were in the Washington area. My Mom got abandond along with her brother at a very young age. She was adopted out of Seattle..her b-day is 1947 ans she is guessing that he is one to two years younger. She has no idea what happened to her brother, but does have some pics. The only thing she remembers is that he had red hair.
Good luck with your search.....if any of this sounds familiar let me know.
Sincerely Jennifer Holmes
I was wondering how red she thought her brother's hair was? My hair was kinda reddish-brown when I was little. Now it is brownish, but most is gone on top. Does that fit with anyone in your family? Good luck with your endeavor. I know it is hard. I have requested a petition to ask the Spokane County Supreme court to order my file opened. Guess we will see what happens. Let me know if you have any more information.
thanks so much for replying...she seems to remember a very red/orange color to his hair...but a picture speaks a thousand is an attachment pic with her and her brother:)
Let me know if you can view pic well or not, I might have to send it to you email...thanks again!
Thank you so much for the picture. I can see it fine. Unfortunately for all of us it is not me. I wish you much luck with your search, as I know the answers are out there. I am in the process of asking the Supreme Court to open my records. I am in hopes that they will agree and order them opened. See, I have no idea about anything, other than where I was born and the date. Other than that, absolutely no information. Guess we will see what happens. Keep searching, the answer is there for you.
Good luck to you as seems the older one gets, the easier it is to have records open, hopefully in your case this is true. Take care and best wishes, Jennifer