My husband and I went to a round table adoption discussion group last night. The birthmoms were fantastic. It was so wonderful to hear about their emotions and feelings. For us, not having a chance to meet the birthparents of our children it was so great to have a peek into the emotions. We recently watched a documentary where a Chinese woman went back and found her birthfamily. She eventually took her parents to China to meet the birthfamily as well. Both the Chinese woman's birthmom and the birthmoms last night had similiar feelings and emotions. It was great to hear what they thought of the adoptive parents as well. They were so grateful and at peace knowing that their children had more than what they could ever give them. We highly recommend taking any opportunity to talk to a birthmom. It is enlightening to us each time.
A birthmom of a three year old boy said that she told the mother of her child that she was such a good mom. I sobbed. I would do anything to hear my daughter's birthmom say that to me. I guess I didn't realize how important that was to me until last night.