I spoke to the social worker today and she said my child should be aware he is being adopted by my husband. But, my husband has been in my child's life since my son can remember and I'm afraid to tell him. Is this normal? Should I tell him his daddy is really his step-daddy?
I was in the same situation. In fact, my husband was at the hospital when my daughter was born. We have friends that recently completed a domestic adoption. I explained to her that sometimes you are adopted by both your mom and dad and sometimes just either your mom or your dad. I told her that her dad was adopting her. This also allowed me to answer her question on why were talking to a lawyer. (She was excited by the idea that she had a lawyer :D ). She was 7 at the time that I talked to her. She hasn't asked about her birth father and I haven't brought it up. She knows that she was adopted by her father and her name changed. I figure that she will ask more questions as she gets older. I didn't want her to associate being adopted as something that is negative or to be ashamed of.