Hello, my name is Tamra. My husband is in the process of adopting my 6 year old son!! I just wanted to share what we have done to make this happen, without the help of a lawyer. The non-custodial parent consented, so that was a big plus. So, if you live in CA and have been able to locate the NCP to get their consent, follow the steps we took and your adoption will go smoothly. :0)
If you have any info on the NCP (SS#, address), you can try to track him/her down using the internet. We spent $25 to do a search. Sorry, I forgot what website I used. We had the NCP SS# so I did the search with that and ended up getting his current address (haven't seen him in 6 years!). I sent the consent form, certified. A couple of days later, we got it back signed!!!! YEA!
First, download the most recent adoption forms from [url][/url] . Next, take the completed forms to your local juvenile court (where you can pick up a consent form) and pay the filing fee (it was $20 in San Diego). You must take the originals and two copies of everything. Then, the court will most likely instruct you to go to your local health and human services dept with your adoption petition. After health and human services receives your request, it will take about 6 months (in SD, anyway) for a social worker to call you and set up an interview with the child, parent and adoptive parent. That's it! You will have a hearing before a judge after that to make it final. The only other cost involved is about $270 (in SD) for the social worker to do his/her report. Money well spent, though. A lawyer would cost a lot more. so, if you live in CA and have an uncontested adoption, follow these steps and you'll be on your way to completing your family!!! GOOD LUCK!
Thank you so much for posting this. My ex just agreed to relinquish in exchange for the back support. He hasn't been involved in over 5 years now. Just wanted to thank you for your help in passing the info on.
I did it virtually the same way - and without a lawyer - except the fact the father did not consent, but it was much quicker to get the Soc Worker visit, i think a matter of weeks, but I am in a small rural area.
For terminating parental rights, i still tracked him down and had him served the Notice of Hearing and he failed to appear and that was the end of his parental rights.
The adoption and termination of parental rights was done the same hearing.. pretty proud day.
I believe I used people search and didnt pay anything, or one of the search engines and it listed his address.
Used a process server for 80 bucks, that was it.
Defiately much cheaper than a lawyer, which I really dont think is necessary unless it becomes some type of Lawyer vs Lawyer issues.. for the typical drop dead abesent "father" .. was actually much easier than I thought.
One other thing, use a process server to serve the papers.
It cost me an additional hearing because for my first hearing I had served the absent father the Notice of Hearing via certified mail because on reading the law it appeared I could do that. The judge didnt accept it and scheduled a new hearing wanting me to serve by live body.