Hi !
I am a 25 years old guy living single in montral.
I am really interrest about adopting a child.
I would like a girl, from asia, or hispanic.
My best place would be puerto rico.
Is it possible to adopt a child if you are a single guy ?
How much is it ?
And which country am I available to adopt ?
Thank !
I can say that any country that you choose, will have a longer waiting list for a girl. Girls are chosen more often than boys.
q's mom
I can say that any country that you choose, will have a longer waiting list for a girl. Girls are chosen more often than boys.
Not true for China. Chinese adoptions are 95% girls.
[font=Comic Sans MS]jessyja, just curious, may I ask why you are so drawn to the philippines?[/font]
Two and half years ago when I started my adoption journey, I was told as a single woman, I couldn't adopt a child under the age of 11 from the Phillipines. I wonder if that was an agency thing, or a country thing? HMMM?
[font=Comic Sans MS]jessyja, just curious, may I ask why you are so drawn to the philippines?[/font]
Because my ex-girlfriend was from there.
What country can I adop then.
Small girl under 1-2 years old
You can do the same process as it is for any adoptive parent(s) seeking Intercountry adoption, you should find an agency that you feel comfortable with that will work with you as a single adoptive parent.
There is a wealth of information on the internet you can use your favorite search engine "single parent adoption" with that you most probably will get information overload so to filter your search further simply add more specific words about what you want. Example: single parent adoption PhilippinesӔ.
Hi Jessyja!
My name is Mindy, and I live in Quebec Canada as well... I'm 24 and single, and want to adopt desperately! unfortunately, we can only go through agencies in quebec, and there are not many of them! and most, if they accept men, you can only adopt same sex.... and, besides the philippines, you have to be like 30... I looked into the philippines, and they said singles can adopt, but very few ever do, cause it's very very difficult... even for women singles... send me a message if you want, and I can try to guide you...
Also on the listing I have from the agencies in Quebec, it says for the philippines, most children available are boys from a few mths to 10 yrs
Hi Jessyja!
My name is Mindy, and I live in Quebec Canada as well... I'm 24 and single, and want to adopt desperately! unfortunately, we can only go through agencies in quebec, and there are not many of them! and most, if they accept men, you can only adopt same sex.... and, besides the philippines, you have to be like 30... I looked into the philippines, and they said singles can adopt, but very few ever do, cause it's very very difficult... even for women singles... send me a message if you want, and I can try to guide you...
Hi Mindy !
I was curious to know how thing is working for you now ?
And how are things going for you, Jessyja?
I don't do any reasearch anymore, but will restart soon.
[font=Comic Sans MS]jessyja, just curious, may I ask why you are so drawn to the philippines?[/font]
Well, I reallly want to adopt an asian girl, and philippines seem to be the easy to way to go in Asia.