Just learned that there was a sibling about 5 years ago. My brother's birth certificate state that he was child #3.
My Mom had a child when she was very young. She lived in Wis, but may have been taken to Ill for the the birth.
It would have been spring or summer of 1920.
By any chance do you have a name? Is the year 1920 confirmed? My grandma was born in IL, but the mother was from WI. My grandma was born in April of 1923, and was given up for adoption.
As I study old photos, I think it could have been 1921, but not as late as 1923. Mom was living in Northern Wis., but had relatives in Chicago and in Belvedere. In Oct of 1922 her mother (my grandmother) had a little girl who was born in Chicago. This child died in 1928.
Thanks for responding.
do you know if the child was placed for adoption in Wi or Il? My grandfather was adopted but we can find absolutely no records on him... not even a bc.
anyway.... his birthday was April 23, 1920. My grandmother remembers an aunt commenting about "goin' to pick up willie at the train."... so it seems he came from somewhere else... he was adopted in Texas.
He had red hair and freckles!
A photo I have of my mother who was (if you were looking for it) obviously very pregnant at the time was taken when the Iris was in bloom.
I'm sure the child would have been placed for adoption from where ever he/she was born.
The great-grandmother did have red hair, and was from Baden Baden, Germany. I don't know about the freckles, altho they do seem to go with red hair.
My mother and her father both had exceptionally blue eyes. They also had a strong lower jaw, as did the red-aired great-grandmother.
The suspect father of the child was also German. I met him once when he was about 50 years old. He was grey and balding. His eyes gave the impression of having dark circles under them, altho it was most likely just that they were deep set, and so having more shadow.
I take it your grandfather is no longer living?
The family is generally very long lived, and healthy. Most so far have gone into their 80's and 90's.
Visit my website. There are photos and paintings of my family, but so far not my Mom's father. The grandfather shown is my Dad's father. [url][/url]
what a coincidence.... the red hair thing...
I looked at your pictures.. very nice.... Of course, I see a resemblance to my grandfather.... but.. It's probably more because I wish it... than because it is....
I have two old photo's of my grandfather.... one a baby.. which reminds of your aunt betty.... and the other a war time photo... I will see if I can scan them and post them... you would enjoy them....