I was born on June 19, 1970 just before 10:00 p.m. I was told that my birth mother was 16 and native american..don't know which tribe. I weighed over 10lbs.
I was born in Las Vegas at the Memorial Hospital. The attending Dr. was Dr. William G. Wixted...who is now retired. I was adopted by a military family who were transferred to England 6 weeks after my birth.
I have just begun my search...if anyone has some advice, please tell... THANKS.
I thought it might be nice if there were one thread just for adoptees looking for birth families .If you are an adoptee and you are looking for your birth family and want to reply please do. Some of us birth parents dont have a lot of time to search and i just thought this might help those searching.
Please include date of birth and place of birth if known.
Good luck in your searches
I wish you only the best in your search. this is the best site I know of for searching.
Hope this link works for you.
I finally found my daughter in June but she is very happy
and desires no contact.
all the best,
Cat :flower:
I was born March 1, 1951 in London, Ontario and father was of German descent. Mother and Father were not married. My birth name was Weico, or Weiko. Was adopted into a polish family of whom abused me. Now am married . Do believe I have a brother or sister.
I have tried everywhere to find them.
Female - Born in Landesfrauenklinik in the city of Staat born . 11-28-66 to a Barbara Katharina Hieber (born on 4-20-47 in Wangen im allgau)
My father is Rolf Blaser, born 8-4-44 in Crailsheim Stuttgart Germany .
Any help you can give me would be great
I am a female adoptee. I was adopted out of Hope Cottage in Dallas, TX. I was born on 5/3/62. I know nothing about my birth family or any medical history at all. I am looking for anyone who might be able to help me. How might I find my family. I know I was about 8 days old when my adopted parents got me. If anyone can help, please tell me how to start. Thanks so much!!!
My name is Heather and I am helping my mom to try and find her birth parents. We don't want to complicate anyones life but it's very important that we find out the medical history of the family. My mother's birth name was Debra Cheryl Gurule and was changed to Leslie Ann Costello. She was born in Los Angeles, California on July 12, 1956. Her birth mother's name was Marcella Noggle (maiden name we assume) born in 1934 in Washington and was 22 years old at the time. Her birth father's last name we are assuming was Gurule who served in the U.S. Navy and was approx. 20-22 years old at the time and was born in Pennsylvania. She was adopted by James and Dorothy Costello on Sept. 24, 1956 through the Holy Family Adoption Agency in Los Angeles, CA. If you have any information that could help us in our search we would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! And good luck to others who are also searching.
female searching for any member of Birth family.
Born march 5 1978, in Spartanburg SC. Private adoption handled by Doctor Hammond, and Lawyer Hubert Hammett.
Birth mom was minor and went to Judges office March 13 1978 to sign over parental rights, Judge was Paul McChesney.
I was born around 5 pm weighing 7 pounds and some odd oz. Reddish Blond hair.
I now have 3 kids of my own, and if you don't want me in your life then I am okay with that, just please Give me Medical history for my babies.
[font=Palatino Linotype]Assisting in search for any birth relatives.[/font]
[font=Palatino Linotype]no NON ID yet. [/font]
[font=Palatino Linotype]Male adoptee, born December 22, 1969 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island. [/font]
[font=Palatino Linotype]A-father worked for DMV, A-mother homemaker. Have Cert. of live birth # if anyone wants to compare.[/font]
:grr: [font=Palatino Linotype]Thank you.[/font]