Looking (for my wife) for twin girls born 6/16/75 in Harrisburg, PA adopted by two doctors (husband and wife) who live/lived in Monroe County, NY.
Mother was 16 at the time of the births and her mother made her put the twins up for adoption. It was a total private adoption, not conducted through any official agencies.
Hopefully you're looking...because we are. :)
BTW, I'm not the father. I am your mother's first husband for the past four years...although I have seen the father in New Cumberland, PA a couple years ago.
on a whim this morning i typed adoption records twin girls 06/16/1975 into my search engine. this was the first thing on the list that came up. the coincidences to the very small amount of details that i know of my sister and i's adoption are too insane for me to not reply to this. all i know i that my birth certificate says i was born in Harrisburg pa June 16th 1975. my adoptive parents lived in the town of Brighton in Monroe county NY. my adoptive father was a cardiologist and my adoptive mother is a nurse specializing in nephrology. they never really had much information to give us about the entire adoption process and it has always been kept very hushed i guess as was the climate of that time. i didn't know was adopted until i was six years old.