I just started posting here at the Michigan Adoptive Parents area and would like to find out where everyone else is from and the adoptions they have been through!! I will start!!
I am Shelia married to Duane 20 years - we live near Kalamazoo and have three children through the blessing of adoption.
K - 8yr old daughter - Caucasian - preemie baby of 3# 10oz adoption was private, currently semi open with birthmother.
H - 5 yr old daughter - Caucasian - term baby of 8# 2oz - adoption - currently in semi open through agency.
N - 20 month old son - Black American - preemie baby of 3# 6oz - adoption - currently in semi open through agency.
We believe our family is complete but as we have found out in the past God might have other plan's for us!! Hee Hee
Looking forward to hearing about everyone else!!!
Heavens Gifts
[Edited To Remove Agency/Facilitator/fee based services Recommendations or comments]
Please remember that comments about agencies or other fee based services made after 2/10/2004 MUST be made via Private Message.
Hi there! I have been lurking on this board for awhile now, and did post one asking for information awhile back. The board seems to not get a lot of traffic, as I never received any responses back then. I'm glad to see people posting here now! :)
About us...
My name is Milenka, and my husband is Lucas. We're relatively young (I am 25, and Lucas will be 23 in less than 2 weeks) but we have been trying to conceive a child since April of 2000. I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Hypothyroidism, which has led us to be unable to have a biological child. After 4 miscarriages in 6 months back in 2003, we began to seriously look at adoption and plan for it.
As of today, we have still not decided 100% on an agency, so I would love it if anyone out there could email me with their experiences with Michigan agencies. So far we have really liked what we have learned about Adoption Associates Inc, and we have had wonderful luck speaking with one of their employees. We intend on adopting an African American infant, and we are very much hoping to have a fully open adoption but will, of course, consider lesser involvement if the birthparents prefer it that way.
Our intent is to submit an application and begin the home study sometime in mid-July, though perhaps sooner if things work out. Currently, I am expecting $10k from cashing out my Michigan Education Trust (I went to college on scholarship and didn't have to use it at all) which should arrive in 3 installments between July 15 and August 15. We are trying to refinance our home to acquire the rest of the money we will need for an adoption, but that has been a stress in itself due to the fact that we own a manufactured home but not the land we have it on. My husband is speaking with several lenders who specialize in this, so we are hoping to have an offer within the next week. Once the refinancing is set in stone, then we will be able to count on the rest of the money we need and officially begin the process!
I hope that I will be able to look toward the wonderful people on this board during this process. Good luck to us all! :)
Take care,
We are from the grand rapids area, have 2 bio children
O-2 1/2 and E-10 months, we are also very young both dh and I are 23years but have been married for almost 5 years,
We are lookig into adopting a sib group, we have always wanten a large family and both have always had the desire to adopt so we can't wait to get things rolling!
It was plesent to meet you all.
good luck to all!