Hi. My husband and I were at the last six weeks of finalizing an adoption when I had an accident. We had 3 special need children for two years. One child had cp and mr. I was bedridden and could not cook or go stairs to bath the 3 children and 1 child we allready adopted several years before. My husband's work had him out of the home 2 weeks straight once a month. The agency placed the 3 children in respite for 3 weekends and then said I needed to have help in the home. I had no one to come and help with 4 special need children for 2 weeks at a time. I ended up with another injury trying to walk too soon, I also developed an infection in my operation site I was told I would have to wear a brace on one leg. I ended up in a wheelchair for 4 months. Out of pain and desperation I told the angency we were no longer keeping the children. I thought they would be better off with someone who could have use of both legs. They were placed in a foster home and now split up. I had intense physical therapy and was on my feet brace free. I called the angency as asked for the children to come back and the adoption finalized. The angency said NO. I don't know where to turn. We don't have alot of money to hire a lawyer. Can someone please advise.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss and unfortunate experience with the children. My heart goes out to you. Pm to me. I would like to talk to you. I am also from Pa. nrj
Hello my name is Brooke and I had 2 foster children who I adopted. If I'm not being to nosey may I ask what agancy you went through. I know you foster from Berks county Pa. I live in Berks county Pa and also have fostered/adpoted a child from Berks county. I was just wondering what agancy would not place these children back in a home they where so adapted to.
Our Prayers Are With You> I Can"t Imagine Them Placing The Children In Another Home> Children That Are Moved From Place To Place Tend To Obtain More Psychological Damage> I Am So Sorry To Hear About This Troubling Situation> Continued Prayers With You And Yours
Hi, I have been out of touch since my last post, last year. Alot has happened with the 3 children we had. The boy who is not 13 was placed in a res. home. The two girls now 7 and 12 were adopted by the couple who fostered them after I was hurt. When I found out they were adopted I could have died, I asked are they happy and safe? The source told me they are OK. They lived only a mile from me and I was afraid to go out in public, I did not want to run into them. I am so depressed. I found out (by accident a few months ago) that the youngest child was going to be taken from the family who adopted the two girls. She would probably be put into foster care. My husband and I signed up with the local C&Y as soon as we could. I thought what a miracle we get a second chance. I get to have my little girl come home. My husband and I both agreed that as soon as we have her safely home we would try to locate the 13 year old boy, who is still on the swan listing on the pc. The older girl is still legally adopted by the couple who had the youngest also. I guess it was not soon enough 2 weeks before we got approved the girl was placed in a foster home with the same C&Y we are now with. I was told she would not protest to us wanting to adopt her and as soon as the parental rights are terminted we would start procedings. BUT the foster parent who has the little girl for only two months and gets first rights decided to adopt her. I could have died when I found out, I called the C&Y and stated "we had her for over two years, I have pictures and bins and bins of out grown clothes and toys I kept, the lady who has her now only had her two months. I was told it does not matter the foster family who has the child when the rights are term. get first rights. I called a lawyer last week and I am waiting for an answer yet. I told the lawyer that I did not want to hurt her anymore than she has been hurt and to check with the agency to see if we can settle this without more heartache. About two months ago a friend told me where the child would be one day and when she saw us she cried and ran into my arms. I knew then I had to get her home with us and safe and she had a very hard year and a half away from us, I heard she was mistreated in ways no child should have to experience. I don't understand why the older sister is still in the adopted home, I think it is because they were no calls made regarding her welfare only the youngest. I can't go though this again. How could we get sooo close again only to have it fall apart again.
I understand why the lady who has her now wants to keep her, she is the sweetest child I have ever seen. But, I love her and want her to come home. I will do what is best for her even if that means not getting her.
Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts.
you can e-mail me if you like.
God Bless,