It's been 6 months since I made contact with my bfamily and Friday I will meet them for the first time in 54 years! There is a family reunion planned (about 200 people) for Saturday....I can't wait to meet every one of them! Everyone has been so supportive and welcoming to me. I think that's amazing since only 2 people knew about me. I wish everyone the same luck that I have had in finding what they're searching for....and I wish for everyone the same happiness I am finding with my "new" family. I plan to visit with Sister Theresa at St. Andres and also the Maine Childrens Home. I will have 2 weeks to learn about my family and my heritage.....I will now have stories to tell my children and grandchildren....I am blessed.
Congratulations miracleta!!!
Wow, 200 people, that's one HUGE family! You must be SOoo very excited right now.
Enjoy every moment of it. This is an amazing time for you, you should treasure this forever.
How beautiful!
I just wanted to say I am very happy for you... I have been dealing with Sister Theresa since I went to St Andres 18 years ago. I hope to someday find what you have.
Have a great trip here, the weather has been great. Maine is a beautiful place...
All my best
Wow!! What a whirlwind 2 weeks....I met so many people and heard so many stories...everyone was great and I got to eat a lot of lobster too!!! I have to admit that I was not prepared for the emotions I felt....I was overwhelmed, sad, happy, confused, scared and happy again. There are a lot of secrets in the family, but the more time I spent the more things came out. First no one knows anything then everyone starts remembering was weird. Some things I'll probably never know for sure because my bmother is not living, but I know that eventually most of my questions will be answered. I did find out who my father probably is.....he was not happy to hear from me. He denied any involvement with my mother, but according to my great uncle who was his best friend, he is my father and he did protest just a little too much and with a lot of anger....that sort of made me think it was probably him. Anyway the trip was a success and I hope that I can build a bond with my sisters and eventually really feel like a part of things. I still have some feelings I need to work out, but the best thing I did was go and meet everyone. Thanks to all here for support and prayers. Good luck to everyone in their search for the past.