Looking for daughter born 12/29/1967 in Lompoc Calif. Last known address is Shelley, Idaho. Attempts at contact have not been successful. If anyone knows or has information please email me at I have been searching for 35+ years and am so close yet so far.
Dana McFarland:confused:
There are numerous Sievers in the Idaho Falls area.( Shelly numbers would be listed with Idaho Falls in the book I have) Do you have any other names as there is nothing with that first name. Have you checked marriage records in Bonneville County? The surrounding counties would be Bingham, Onieda, and Bannock. There are a couple Sievers in Pocatello too, but people here move back and forth often. If there is anything I can do let me know, I have to go to the courthouse here and probably Idaho Falls both this week, not positive about Idaho Falls but not that far if it would help. Teresa