I was wondering about international adoption. We are stationed in Japan and could move anytime now. We also have one bio son who is 3. First, does LDSFS do international adoption? Second, What happens if we get a baby and then have to move? How long is the post-placement procedure? Is there another LDS military family wanting to adopt who might know a little about this? Please respond.
mom of Noah-8-17-01
I'm not military, but I can answer partly your questions. Yes, LDSFS does do international adoptions, and second, most countries now have the type of visa that makes the baby a citizen upon your picking them up in the country. We went to the Philippines, and it is one of the few that make you wait for a 6 month post-placement period. Good luck!
I called them just now, to get an answer for you, and they told me that they now have quit doing intl. adoptions. They gave me a persons name and email to give you for any other questions you have about them, and how to do an adoption from where you are. Sorry about the wrong info I gave you earlier. Good luck, and I'll pm you his name/email.
Thank You for all your help. I will e-mail him today. It is hard to get ahold of anyone in the states during business hours for all of us living in Japan. We have to stay up until 12 or 1 in the morning. I didn't know how else to get ahold of them. I am concidering going through an agency based out of Texas. LDSFS will be less expensive, but I want a baby now. We have been trying for 2 years. Our best bet would be to find an unwed mother willing to give her baby up. I will just have to keep praying about it.
We have some friends who were also stationed in Japan. They tried to adopt through LDS social services while living there and had several adoptions that were almost ready to go through...I'm canceling while they were waiting to pick up the baby at the airport. Another was just a week before the baby was born, and another failed attempt as well.
When they came back to the states and told us about it.....they were so upset (obviously) and said they would never try an overseas adoption again. They started to get set up with LDS social service here but before they even got a chance they found out she was pregnant.
I remember her saying that it was so much harder in Japan....with all the laws and stuff.
Since you are almost would probably be best to just wait until you got to your new assignment. It would be awful to hear that you had a baby coming but because of the move you couldn't do it.
But who knows maybe your little miracle is waiting for you over there and things will work out perfectly for you.
That would be great to just wait unitl we got to the states, but we are going to Germany or Italy after this. I am working with LDSFS to see if we can do a homestudy here, but they have higher standards, so you can't just get anyone to do your homestudy. That is the problem we are running into right now, but thank you for the information. We are going to run into the same problem in Europe too. We are concidering going through another agency and adopt internationally. Expensive though.