I am trying to retrieve my origional birth certificate from the Singapore registery of births and deaths from 1962 but they told me they had no records and that i could have retrieved them if i had applied before my 21st bithday for dual nationality of England and Singapore, but i didn't know about this untill i was 28, now they say its too late, i then sent a letter last year and it was sent back to me 2 months later saying the building no longer exist, i tried to find out if the hospital i stayed in before i was adopted was still there and that is no longer there, is it proceedure for the singapore law to keep this information from me or is there another way i can go around it i uderstand it was a long time but i thought records of everyones birth was kept on file regardless
Wow I bet you feel that you are going around in circles. That would be hard.
Perhaps our search expert on this web site can be of help to you. She specializes more in the United States but maybe she has a bit of info for you.
You may post a question to her at not charge here on these boards!! Her board is entitled "Are You searching for your Birthfamily?"
Her name is Colleen Buckner. She can tell
you what she knows.
Thank you. And Best of Luck.