I read an earlier post regarding an adoption info class provided by an organization called FACE (Families Adopting Children Everywhere) in Towson.
I went to their website, but unfortunately, I'll be out of town for both of the scheduled days.
Does anyone else know of perhaps another organization (not an agency) that provides such a class? It seems like this one provides all the info you need without slanting it in any way. I agree that agencies probably want to talk mainly about the types of services they provide.
I took the FACE class a few years before I adopted, and it was great. Is there a chance that you can change your schedule or take the FACE class at another time?
I would also suggest that you call the Center for Adoption Support and Education (CASE) in Silver Spring. CASE is a wonderful organization that is not affiliated with any specific adoption agency. It provides education and counseling for birthparents, adoptive parents, and adopted children. It also has programs to increase the sensitivity of schools, courts, and so on to adoption issues. It is mainly geared to post-adoption matters, so if it cannot help you in terms of getting prepared for adoption, ask if it can refer you to another organization.