I am trying to adopt my stepdaughters and I was wondering if anybody could post an example of their petition for abondoment. The bio father hasn't had contact in about 2 years but he will not consent to the adoption. The California Code we are going to try to file under is 7822(b). I went to the local law library and they didn't have any examples. If you want to change your names on the examples I perfectly understand. Thank you.
Hello all : )~ I am the mommie in this case and I have been reading the forums and all support given here to the parents. I have a question to ask if I may... we(the donor and I) have a joint parenting agreement through Ohio.(which hes never exersiced) will this affect my husbands case to adopt?(The donor and I were never legally married! ) I was told that it is his(the donors) right to choose NOT to exersice this agreement and it seems to me that this is a loop hole to GIVE us an outage to the agreement.He was told its his right not to exersice a relationship with the girls...but yet I was never allowed to have the agreement voided? It is kinda confusing to me : )~
Thanks for any help in this matter