Hi everyone,
It seems like the domestic program in Michigan is moving very slowly these days!
We have been waiting about a year with no leads and no meetings with potential birthmothers. We have done tons of networking and have left hundreds of adoption business cards and flyers in public places and with friends and relatives. Despite our best efforts, no one is calling our agency and asking about us.
Anyone else having a similar experience? How long has everyone's wait been so far?
Good luck to all,
We have already been chosen by one b/m in Michigan, and we had two other situations through facilitators.
We decided to wait on all three of them, because we did not feel in our gut they were good situations for one reason or another.
We have been working with adoption since June 2004, and feel there are a lot of opportunites our there.
What are your criterias for a child? As the previous poster asked, are you open to different races? My DH and I only want healthy. Race/sex is of no issue to us.
Best of luck.
Deb & Kim,
We are open to either sex, Caucasian, Hispanic and Native American children. Our age range is 0-4. We are also open to children with mild emotional and developmental problems.
I understand that will probably make our wait longer. I am a bit surprised at how long it is taking to even have a meeting with a potential birthmother.
Any suggestions?
I just wanted to agree about the wait. We've been waiting two years with only one match where the mom ended up parenting. We knew we would have a slightly longer wait because we felt we would be more comfortable with CC, asian or hispanic infant (although I'm now ready to open up to all races...just can't seem to get DH there yet :rolleyes: )
We are in W Michigan and are now contemplating switching agencies because ours seems to be really, really quiet but there are others that seem to have more traffic.
I know with our agency, we can't be with another one at the same time.
Also from what I understand the use of facilitators is not allowed in MI (I think you can't finalize in MI with one)