Hi, If you were born November 24, 1984 @ Flagstaff Medical Center in Flagstaff Arizona. Dr Seby delivered you. You were with your Birth mom until approx 11 months old and then sent to foster care at which time... when you were approx 1 1/2 years old Your foster parents...(Foster Mom's Name was Megan Wyman not sure on spelling of name) petitioned the court to adopt you. Your BirthMom was in Juvi Corrections at the time. The Foster Mom had 2 kids that were teenagers at the time, A girl name Casey or Kasey...not sure on spelling and a Son named Jack. Her husband was confined to a wheelchair, we do not know his name. Your birthmom was 17 at the time of adoption and she would like to give you medical info as well as meet you if you are willing. She loves you and always has and wants to be able to tell you she always wanted you!!! You would now be turning 20 in November years old. Please email me. I am her sister-in-law. Her name is Chantel Starr Nash. You are my niece and I would love to meet you too!! You have 2 brothers and a sister as well as a few cousins!! Please if you may be her, or you know Danee let us know if she is willing to talk. No pressure either. Just know we all love you very much!!
Thanks to email and her brother JACK
NEVER GIVE UP>>>>>>:flowergift: