Is there anyone else out there that feels like this searching process is pretty much impossible? I am finding this very frustrating so far and it just feels so hopeless. I am an adult adoptee and I would really love to find my parents, both of them, but I just don't think it's possible. Does anyone have any suggestions....
yes..I find it pretty depressing too..
My mother just died the end of May, so even *if* I find my brother that was put up for adoption, she will never get to meet him.
It would mean the world to my sister and I to find him though, it would be like having a part of our mother back.. and I know my mother would have been happy to meet him.
okay, so Ive looked in my mother's notes and apparently David wasn't to change his first and middle names - I dont know if they did that back then or if it was just her wishful thinking.. but in that case his name would be David Andrew something. So, Im looking for a boy born August 27th-ish 1963-64 in Vancouver, B.C.