I love Todd Parr books, they are so simple and fun. The messages are great too. My favorites are:
The Family Book (about all the different types of families)
It's Okay to be Different (about diversity)
The Feelings Book (great way to get kids to talk about feelings)
The Okay Book (talks about differences)
This is My Hair (diversity and self esteem)
Check them out!
Hi there--I just wanted to second your opinion!!! Todd Parr books are by far my favorite kids books right now. The message is always so positive and the pictures are absolutely beautiful!!!
My favorite favorite one is The Family Book because we are a non-traditional family. I found it one day at Target and HAD to buy it. Now I'm loving his other books and wish I could add them all to my collection NOW! :)
If anyone can get their hands on these books, it's totally worth it!!!
I just found the Family book at a second hand shop. I absolutly love it and so do my children. It talks about all different kinds of familie and the pictures are great. My childrens favorite part is the page about some families adopt.:p