Thank The Lord !!! Looks Like I May Have Found Him
I did receive more info that I have been waiting for..
I emailed this to my (hopefully) son, and I got a second email from him...He said that all the info I have
given him to this point, PROVES MY CLAIM TO HIM, but needed more time to let this all sink in...
I've prayed for years for this moment, and the moment that I may be able to set eyes on him again...
This whole ordeal , has had me on an EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER...I've dealt with the lonliness, excitement, anger, the NO ONE UNDERSTANDS HOW I FEEL, just the whole ball of wax...
I never really understood how many emotions were involved in searching..This truly took alot out of me, and probably my SEARCH ANGEL too.......ha, ha, ha...
I'm thankful for all you's that supported me thru this..
I 've learned too see alot more thru the eyes of an ADOPTEE too..I have a personal friend of mine that I work with whom was adopted...I broke down in tears one night at work and she took me outside and had a talk with me about what was wrong..Then, is when she told me how she was adopted..She helped guide me thru some rough spots, and answered questions I didn't understand...
I told my son I'd give him the time he needed to sort out this thoughts and feelings about this whole thing.. It did come as a SHOCK to him, that I did find him.. Today is his 28th. BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!
I do hope that one day soon, he'll contact me again, and be willing to sit and talk, but for now, I just have to sit back and give him the time he needs...
I JUST COULDN'T FIND HIM OVER THE YEARS, NO MATTER WHAT I DID, I HIT A BRICKWALL, until a SEARCH ANGEL came to my call.....This search would not have been possible without her, and for that I owe her my GRADITUDE........
I'll continue to pray on this, and hope that all will end in a HAPPY REUNION..
I know I'll never take the place of the parents whom raised him and loved him all these years, I don't really think anyone could...
He said he grew up HAPPY and HEALTHY and has a LOVING FAMILY, and that means alot to me...
I still don't know what he looks like yet, I can only imagine..Maybe he'll email me a picture, who knows..
Thank all of you's, for your support, and I ask you to CONTINUE to keep me in your prayers, and that this is going to DEFINATLY be my son , I've been searching for......
TODAY'S HIS 28th. BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!