Looking for birth parents...
Baby Boy born 8/7/58 Los Angeles, California.
No other information is available, adoptive mother had info, has passed, apparently distroyed adoption information.
Just beginning to look, any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi there! I'm looking for my bbro. I was adopted in January 1960. My Bmoms name is Joyce Simpson Stearns. My oldest bbro was born in 1957, I was born in 1960. Do you have any clues as to who your bmom was? Please reply
I would suggest contacting the State of CA
For adoption related information and records:
California Department of Social Services
Child and Youth Permanency Branch
744 P Street, MS 3-31
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-8088
Non-Identifying Information:
Contact the adoption agency that handled the adoption for this information. If it was a private adoption, or if you do not know the name of the agency, contact the office noted above.
If need be then you can petition the court that heard the adoption to open the file. In the meantime I have a site which lists births by date and county for CA I will chek it out.
There were 14 male births for this date in the county of Los Angeles that are possible adoptions. Both birthfather and birthmother's last names are given. In the case of birth mother it is the maiden name. with some creative searching this is a good starting point if you have no other info.
There were 201 males born that day in LA. In CA those years, when a child is given for adoption, typically he/she is listed twice. Once with the mother's maiden name and once with the father's name. There are 14 that are listed that way. Some searching around will probably eliminate about half. If you have birth information, I'd be happy to help you out.
Well, we will contact CA for the non-identifying first. Will medical info automatically be in there?
He is so lukewarm; ok make that freezing cold, about finding his birth family. He has a number of medical issues which is why I am trying to get him to work on this. He had one adopted sister which passed away of breast cancer 7 yr ago. I keep telling him some day it will be too late; but he is a closed emotional book.
The medical won't automatically be there unless the birth mother specifically put something - not common. In CA, one of the things you receive with your non-identifying is a "consent for contact". He'll need to decide what to say on that. Of course, in CA, in many cases, an adoptee can find birth family without it - but not the other way around.