My name is Lisa.. adopted at birth in Louisville, KY on 9-29-65. I've met my bmother and it didnt go well...her name is Connie.. i only post in the hopes that perhaps she will someday tell her other children of my existence... there are two older brothers and one younger sister.. and give me the name of my bfather.. i always try to deny that this whole thing bothers me but those feelings sneek up sometimes... i gave you up, you should have just gone away".. those were her last words to me.. never understand that
Get that DNA. Here is a link that will do the DNA FREE but in order to get it FREE you must go thru TOUCHED BY ADOPTION.
The list on the left has a link CONTACT US click on that and follow instructions. [DO NOT click on DNA Diagnostic Center...they will charge you a fee if you do that.]
So don't let this eat at you......know for a fact one way or the other.
Me thinks she doth protest too much? If you want to find out about her family and who your grand mother is etc, I will assist you. You may as well find out who your ancestors are while you wait. Right?
I have the KY birth index and will do what I can to try to locate some of them at least back to 1911.