OK, We FINALLY got our FBI fingerprints back a full 3 months after we had them electronically done at CJIS!
Now I am worried about our INS fingerprinting. They received our form a month ago but we haven't heard anything about fingerprinting (though we've paid for it already). When I called they said they were processing applications received in September but I have heard from someone who filed in MD in November and has been processed. Anyway, when you look at various people's timelines it looks like most people get fingerprinted right away. Is this wait normal? I think I am just a little frustrated and paranoid that our homestudy was held up so long with the FBI prints. :mad: Any info or advice you guys have is always appreciated.
Funny, but finger prints were our big hold up too, dispite the fact that both of us had prints on file for other (security) reasons. Had them done at a non-CJIS facility, and first time three out of four sets (2 sets each) were rejected. Second time mine passed but hers did not. Finally went to CJIS where they had to use special cleaners and such to raise her prints, take them using tape, and then transfer them to the print card. Once she had a good set, I think it took about six to eight weeks before we had FBI clearance on her.
Hurry up and wait, as they say in the military!
Good luck!
Our agency had us go about it a little differently. We did the pre-apprval route and submitted out I600A with out a complete homestudy. When we recieved our reciept after submitting our I600A we called them immidiately and they said we could come in anytime, (we went to Wheaton- they do electrinic so less chance of having to have it redone for quality of prints). Wheaton does not need appointmants for adoption fingerprints- although they told me Wedneasdat sfternoons were the best time to come, because no immigation appointments are scheduled then (only make-ups), we still waited over an hour, but it was done.
When we called they told us just toshow up and be sure that we had the reciept handy.
3 weeks later we recieved a form saying that if we had not already been fingerprinted we needed to call one of the agency sites and go in.
I went to the web and found numbers and addresses.
Hope this helps,
Thanks Mary :)
I feel so hormonal, every delay sets me spinning. Of course a dear friend of mine told me this week that she's preg. and should deliver in August, before we have any chance of getting our daughter, so I am up to 6 babyshowers set for spring/summer. Unlike last year at this time when my 2 best friends delivered I am not at all upset, but I just want our baby to be home with us so badly. I am going to call today at my lunch break to see if I can set up our INS fingerprinting. I just like to feel like we are moving forward. Have I mentioned that I am the worlds worst waiter?
I was not blessed with patience either (which is why I called BCIS in the first place). I went crazy having to wait a month between having all our stuff to the agency and starting the home study. BTW our first meeting was fine and we scheduled the other meetings- she said all our HS paperwork would be done the first week of February! YEAH! I just want my little girl home with me.
Right now I have 5 friends/relatives set to deliver between Feb and April, but I am not as depressed as I usually am. 2 have been very problematic and we have been praying or both of them. We knew before we married that we could never get pregnant (cancer)- so seeing them deal with this is difficult.
It seems as if we are 2 peas in a pod Mary. I have a pituitary tumor which we think has impacted us. Anyway, I agree with you that now that we are in the process I am not depressed like I would get previously, but the waiting still stinks. I hope your friends will be OK and will keep them in our prayers. It is so important that we count our blessings.
I just called the Baltimore INS office and they said that they mailed our fingerprinting letter today so that we should get it by next week. I'll take a day off of work if I have to just to get it done ASAP. Thanks for the advice and I'll keep you posted! :)
OK, looking for more info.
We just got fingerprinted today, our home study will be sent to INS next week. Abour how long do they take? I was really hoping to be DTC by the end of Feb. which means I would need to have our I600A back within the next 3- 3 1/2 weeks. Is that totally unrealistic? We will have everything else for our dossier ready by the end of next week so we will really just be waiting for the visa approval so we can have all our documents translated.
We have heard consistantly that the fingerprinting takes a while. We actually paid an extra fee to expedite of homestudy and the paper wrok was all completed a month before we got the fingerprints back and that was for domestic. We were sort of prepared for that to happen. We had our prints done early July and they came back in late October. My sister, while in school, had to be fingerprinted for an internship. Her internship was done and completed by the time her fbi fingerprints came back.
Hang in there, keep a detailed time line of when and who you talk to regarding the processing so that you can hold them accountable.
I also recommend trying to speak with the same person each time you follow up.
I did an international adoption and needed the fingerprints. Once downtown for BCIS, and once at the State police (Reislerstown Rd?). I think they are both processed by the FBI but you have to have them done both places.
The BCIS (Fallon Bldg downtown Balto) processd them pretty fast. No complaints.
The State Police were horrible. We had three people go down the same day. My brothers came back in a few weeks. The held on to my mom's from Sept to Dec and then told us to re do them. They held on to mine from Sept to March. I called every few days. They were horrible people to deal with. I think I still have my telephone numbers if you need to call. I also have an FBI number, they will tell you when they processed them and sent them back.
BCIS is a little hard to get in touch with the lady who does adoptions but I think I have her number too. They were nice people who were helpful.
The State Police were the pits.
Just an update, we are still waiting on our INS paperwork, everything else in our dossier is ready to go (actually has been ready for a while). But, we have resigned ourselves to a March DTC date. Our SW told us not to expect our INS paperwork until the end of the month at the earliest which does not give us enough time to have it sent with our dossier to the 3 consulate offices which we require and have the whole thing translated into chinese. So March DTC here we come!
My old notes for the BCIS say the contact person for adoptions at the Fallon Bldg in Downtown Balto is:
Jeanette Broughton
410-962-2338 X:1163
I ended up calling her a few times because my wait was so long (I adopted from Nepal- great child, horrible adoption experience) and I had to get the fingerprints done again and then make sure the form was amended, dumb things like that. She was nice and when her computer system was up, she could easily track my progress. She could only be reached certain days and times.
I thought the BCIS had a section where you could put in your receipt number and it would track it for you online?
Good luck, an expected referral in Fall 05 would be great.