Happy Birthday dear one! I have posted birthday wishes for a couple of years now in hopes that you will see them and know that I am thinking of you.
It's o.k. if you aren't ready to know me, just know that I love you very much and I pray for blessings in all that you set out to do in life.
You have twin brothers and a little sister now. They will know about you when they are older and you will always be welcome to know us on whatever level is comfortable for you.
Love you always,
Your Birthmother
Baby Boy born 1/28/87
Piedmont Medical Center, Rock Hill, SC
Tender Loving Care Adoption Agency (Now Christian Family Services)
Happy Birthday, dear young man.
I pray that your future days ahead
will give you many proud adventures.
May you go to europe and discover
painting. May you jaunt all over the USA
and see the Grand Canyon, the Pacific
Coast Beaches, all the lulling vastness
of the Plains, and find your way to the
green hills North Carolina, trekking down
to Rockhill, and out of curiosity, go to
the place where you were born and
learn your birth name. From there,
may you have the courage and support
to look for the woman who carried you
into the world, and may you look for
her, find her, and know... she's kept
you close, all these years.
God bless.
you're so welcome. And I also sprinkled magic fairy dust on the page so the wish should really conme true. :D
I hope you find your son....I, too gave a dear baby boy up for adoption. He was born on Feb. 2, 1987 at Piedmont Medical Center in rock Hill, SC. I was with a group called "The Lord's Family Tree" which was operated by a lovely woman named Trudy Padgett. Not a day has gone by that I don't think of him and long to see and touch him. Hopefully, one day we will all find our peace. Bless you.
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We are trying to reach you in efforts of locating more birthmothers from The Lord's Family Tree. I am helping a child born 4/16/1987. Her birthmother was at the home you were at. Please call/text me at 803-322-6148 Mandi
We have created a group on Facebook here is the link
Thanks and God Bless