I'm subsrcibed to over 750 threads, and I have made over 1000 posts! :eek: My problem today is I'm trying to find a post that I started..... of course I don't remember when! When I search under my name for posts started by echaos... it only goes back 4 pages, or 100 posts.
I've tried searching by key words that I *think* I remember being in the post : ethics, morales, donour. But that didn't find it either. :mad:
Any suggestions?
The post I'm looking for was started by me, before March 2005 (I know this cause I was at my old job when this subject came up) and talks about the morales or ethics of me being adopted and using a member of my adopted family (specifically my uncle) as a sperm donour.
Any and all help would be appreciated.
The "Fertility" forums have moved - so you can't search them here, how handy is that!? has ALL forums regarding fertility and infertility.
Your thread is there now: [url][/url]
Wow Brandy... You're good!
I didn't even think to check over there!
With the recent changes, is there an easy way to flip from "adoption" to "infertility" forums? I use to be able to follow the "you are here" tree back to and then pick one or the other, but that seems to be gone now.
Sorry Andy - I don't think there is.
I think the plan was to make ALL of the forums (Family, Fertility and Adoption) like one big community of forums - however, they discovered that we just had TO many forums and it was causing the forums to crash ALL THE TIME (remember back in June when they were down a lot?)
At that time, you could "New Posts" and pull threads from all three communities - but because of the drag it put on the servers - they elected to forego that idea and each one have their own space...but you could still access them by selecting "FamilyForums" at the top of the screen.
Now, with the new formatting, it looks like there is no other way to get there other than actually typing it in.
I'll bring it up to admin - maybe they just aren't aware of the issue?
We're aware and ready to take a hammer to something :rolleyes: There's no easy fix... at least not one that leaves the forums in any kind of user friendly condition.
There are major fixes and changes in the works and the search aspect in general will be repaired in the process.
Apparently the linking issues between Family Forums, Adoption Forums and Fertility Forums are complicated and will take a lot of Finesse. It's all on "the list" though :)