This thread Is for addressing potential problems and common questions about the new journal feature. This post will be periodically updated to address current concerns.
Is there any way to increase the number of characters allowed to specify journal buddies? A few of my forum friends (not Cobb ;) ) have some really long names and hog up my real estate! Another 100 characters or so should do. (Seems to be about 150 now, and if you've got a few like "numbr1dbcksfan" you can use that up pretty quickly!)
Sarah, the logout problem is now gone! Thanks! I have a question though. It seems that I set up the privacy feature incorrectly. Instead of a journal buddy list, I had selected the two privacy checkboxes (private, and journal buddies to view), but then I listed the names of the members in the text box labeled: "If yes to privacy, who can view this journal...?" How is that to be used? If I want my journal buddies to view, do I leave this entry alone? It seems redundant, since that box is for the entire journal. Then there is also another one for each entry (it seems). I'm confused :confused: EDITED TO ADD: By the way, it was this text box that has the 150 character limit. I don't know that there is a limit to the buddy list. I was able to add all that I intended!
That didn't seem to be the way it worked. I didn't have a journal buddy list set up and I just listed everyone I wanted to see it. No one could see it. :confused: The only catch may have been that I misspelled one member name. Unless that hoses up the whole list, then that feature didn't work for me. Now that I have a journal buddy list and left the other field blank, people have access. One other thing I figured out, Nicole had mentioned early in this thread that it's a pain to edit the entry because all the line feeds are removed. But if you highlight the entry and copy it to the clipboard, edit the entry, then highlight all the text and paste, you'll get your linefeeds. The only downside is that if you have emoticons they are lost :( , but it's better than putting back all the linefeeds in a long entry!
I've got a weird problem with my journal. Today I deleted two entries, but one of them still remained. I tried deleting it again, but it still remained. I added a new entry, and when I went to the journal index, my journal showed it had no entries. I thought maybe it was because my journal is private, and I made the entry private, so I went back and tried to edit the entry to uncheck the "private entry" checkbox. I had the same problem that ragnarok reported on another thread (blank page on edit), so I pasted the content into a new entry and deleted the old one. Wouldn't delete, and still showed no entries on journal index. Tried again. Well now when I click on the journal it has the same entry three times, but on the journal index it says "No entries", and has a "-2" in the number of entries column.I have no idea what's going on. :confused: I don't think my journal buddies are on pins and needles waiting to read it. ;) I just thought I'd report a little odd behavior.